Reasons to Sponsor

VIP Events Inc. can customize a sponsorship program that is tailored to the sponsor’s specific marketing needs, and that best fits the sponsor’s marketing philosophy. Whether the focus is on retail promotional tie-ins, sampling (especially for new product introductions), couponing , image building, general awareness, or by giving the sponsor a prime location to sell at the Dream Home Expo, the Dream Home Expo corporate event marketing programs have the depth to help you impact sales.


  1. Four big days to promote, sell, and showcase the sponsor’s product or service to thousands of home improvement buyers in a home and garden, lawn and leisure extravaganza.
  2. Each customer/home owner coming to Dream Home Expo will walk by the sponsor’s booth at least one time. Go to layout of show to see traffic flow.
  3. The sponsor will receive website exposure. Our website will be in all of our advertising and public relations. It will state, “Go to for a complete listing of all sponsors who are giving away free tickets to Dream Home Expo.” Plus, the sponsor’s name and logo, address, phone number and website will be on as a hyperlink.
  4. One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to advertise and promote the sponsor’s product or service to increase customer base, profit margin, future prospects, and business leads.
  5. Sponsor’s product and/or service will receive instant recognition and appeal due to its onsite visibility.
  6. The show is produced specifically for the sponsor’s target audience – the homeowner.
  7. Communicate one on one with thousands of homeowners at a critical moment when they are making key buying decisions to improve their home.
  8. Give the sponsor a quality marketing vehicle with maximum impact and exposure for the sponsor’s sales message.
  9. Opportunity for time on stage. We will promote your time on stage over the public address system at the Lake County Fairgrounds. We will also list the sponsor’s show/seminar with dates and times on Note: This is on a first come, first serve basis. There will be two stages; we will add a third stage depending on demand.
  10. Sponsor will be a part of a highly visible and skillfully selected comprehensive advertising and publicity campaign designed for results such as radio, television, theater screens, newspapers, magazine, posters, etc.
  11. Receive as many free tickets to dream home expo as needed.  Tickets are used for promotional use only.  This is how you will receive your free tickets.  You will receive an email with a coupon that will state, “Two free tickets to Dream Home Expo, the ultimate home and garden, lawn and leisure show located at the Lake County Fairgrounds, Painesville Twp. May 22-25, 2015.”  It would also state to redeem the coupon at the ticket office of Dream Home Expo for the two free tickets. This electronic coupon can then be forwarded to your loyal customers, potential customers, etc. or the coupon can be printed out to mail or hand out to your customers.  Note: Your Company can give all consumers that visit your Company website 2 free tickets to Dream Home Expo by placing the coupon on your website that the consumer can download and print.   This way your Company can send or give as many free tickets as needed.
  12. The bottom line, since time is money, Dream Home Expo could make the sponsor over a year worth of sales in just four days.Time is Money